The children living with us at Arms of Love have been placed by the local social service agencies due to being orphaned, abused, neglected, or abandoned. Visitors often ask us if our children are orphans, and depending on who answers, the response can be different.
Here is why.
One needs to first understand the three main definitions of “orphan” used globally:
a child who has lost both parents
a child who has lost one parent
a child who may have living parents, but rarely sees them, and possibly lives on the street or in institutional care.
At Arms of Love, we have children who fit under all three definitions. Some children have lost both of their parents in car accidents, others lost their parents due to poor health and disease. We have other children who were being raised by one parent and then were orphaned by cancer or natural disaster. However, the majority of our children are defined by the third definition; they are social orphans. They are children who were neglected, abused, and/or abandoned, and placed in residential care after governmental entities completed an investigation, determining there were not any family members able to care for the needs of the child.
We believe in family, and thus our children are no longer “orphans” … as they have been adopted into the Arms of Love family. That’s where healing and restoration begins: Learn More.
Each situation is different, and our care models reflect that. In some cases we come alongside parents who, while unable to fully care for their child(ren), are identified as safe and healthy to remain in relationship with their child(ren). These parents have visitations, and sometimes even have their chid(ren) stay with them during the holidays or vacations. In addition to biological parents, this approved family member is often a grandparent, aunt/uncle, or older sibling.
Each child’s story is distinct, and their circumstances are unique to them. We are committed to providing for each child’s specific needs to the best of our ability.
Will you consider partnering with Arms of Love through child sponsorship?
We believe prayer is powerful! Get involved by praying for children who are orphaned, abused or living in extreem poverty around the world. Learn more about being a partner in prayer!